September 17, 2009

i'm so international, it's ridiculous! solving the "followers" problem. a thank you letter

i have a reader in the azores! (i wonder if it's nelly furtado. if so, call me, nelly...)

aside from that reader, i also have readers in portugal, Oz, new zealand, germany, china, thailand, all over mexico, the UK, and in canada.

i am impressed. now if i could just get them to come back more often, or perhaps tell their friends...

i'll say that again, come back more often. tell your friends!

as for the "followers" problem, i am not sure why blogger/google says that the followers app/widget works the way it does, when as it turns out, it does not. so if you would like to be notified of my postings, please simply send an email to, and i will put you on a list to be notified when i publish a new post. i will not send you anything else, or sell or abuse your email, the circus is, as always, not for profit, but for enlightenment. if you are already a follower, i will put you on the list immediately. so, again, if you want to be notified when i post something new, please send me an email to circusarbitrarius@hotmail. if you would like to know whenever i post anything new, like threat levels, or isms, or obits, you may let me know in the email. it's the personal touches.

thank you to all my readers, you get me closer to a more impressive grad school, and my dream of being a globe trekking, world beating, adventurer for the rest of my life. for this i appreciate and love everyone of you.

your humble circus freak,

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