the incredible mr O doesn't care what you think (until we actually tell him what we think. like that one time, when we all thought he would be a good president), and i like that about the guy.
sometimes it takes a person with the pelotas to implement an unpopular or controversial idea to grease the wheels of progress.

he's not about to kowtow to a bunch of rubes who pick apart every little thing he says and place it under an electron microscope. i mean, how ballsy was it for him to promise to bring us the one axiom of existence that we cannot anyway avoid?
i'm talking about change people.
and who among us can say with 100% certainty that we have never, nor would ever, declare one of our athletic deficiencies worthy of the special olympics?
my concern is not that mr O is uncomfortable being himself when it comes to public relations.
my concern is that mr O is not uncomfortable being himself when it comes to public relations.
look, the guy's under serious scrutiny, here. he can't afford to let gaffin' joe rub off on him now. sure, it's funny when you or i say, "hey, i bowl like a retard". but there's an awful lot of people out there, who are going to blow this out of proportion when the president says it.
so some moron cop arrests a guy for being black in his own house, and suddenly we have to have a beer bash at the moon tower? this doesn't seem like the smartest move.
first of all, it sets a dangerous precedent. now every time somebody has a problem with the way their lives are going, they are going to expect the president to respond to the issue, and he has much more important things to do than help you find your car keys. hey, simpletons, just because you were late to work because road maintenance backed up traffic on the interstate, don't expect mr O to hold a press conference reprimanding the DOT for not staying the fuck out of your way. and i don't care if the safeway didn't have any decent bananas, i don't want to hear that obama called an emergency produce summit between the FDA, NAFTA, and the farm workers of america. there's real problems going on in the world, and i'm not saying race relations in america isn't one of them, but treating two pouting idiots like bickering toddlers, and forcing them to kiss and make up is not going to solve the problem, in fact, it might cause more problems than it even addresses. meanwhile, people are starving, dying, fighting, and suffering for real, all over the world, and bono can't hug all of them himself. mr O has more pressing items on his agenda than putting a band-aid on your ouchie.
to stay on the subject of dangerous precedents, my second concern is that this will fan the flames of america's arrested development. we are already a nation of pathetic midlife crises. we are such an immature, self important group of a-holes to begin with, that i don' think we need the president offering to play daddy to our mundane disputes. hey, i think it's a great idea to resolve issues by sitting down like sensible people, and discussing them in a friendly manner, but this is something grown ass people should already know how to do. i don't care who the president is, he or she is not here to teach us how to shake hands and apologize. we're adults now, and it's time for us to take responsibility for our own lives. don't go crying to mommy every time life isn't going your way, when the way to resolve the problem is obviously just to be a big boy and figure it the fuck out yourself, or, here's a thought, get over it. shit happens. we're not going to get an apology from the universe every time something goes wrong, and we don't need reparations for every little thing.
my third and final concern is this: they say you never talk about religion or politics at a party. well, for a guy who has already proven that he can't get away with insinuating that he is a retarded bowler, or using any form of the modifier "stupid", or showing any sort of respect to the leaders of other countries without the whole country jumping down his throat, maybe it's not the best idea to invite the media to film you getting drunk and talking about race relations...
...and for the love of god, don't invite biden to the party.

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