new segment inspired by bleak outlook of human intelligence. inability to blow up 80 year old building quells fear of nuclear holocaust.
so there were a couple of things i wanted to post about today, and perhaps i still will, but when i saw this video, i was inspired to create another feature.
i shall call this feature surviving darwinism.
now, many media sources have segments along the lines of "signs of the apocalypse", or what have you. but as much as i would love to witness the apocalypse, i don't believe in all that biblical mumbo jumbo. what i do believe in is this: i don't care if you believe in religion, or darwinism, we are too stupid to fail. the apocalypse isn't ever coming, no matter how hard we try. our best bet is that we will eventually extinct ourselves. but somehow, against all odds, we don't die. our population continues to grow, and flourish, and live longer.
i guess you could say this segment is somewhere between a darwin award, and signs of the apocalypse. so without further ado, the first sign that humans will never go away, no matter how unfit for survival we are, is a BBC news segment titled turkey demolition goes wrong (unfortunately i had to link it, since those wankers down at the BBC won't share video with blogger). when i first read that title, i thought, "if there is a god in heaven, this will be a bunch of turkeys getting blown up".
it's not, but it still cracked me up.
p.s. - for exploding turkeys, just google "exploding turkeys" it's out there, and plenty of it.
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