defeating "politics as usual" means giving up politics altogether, says sexy alaskan fish monger
why does sarah palin continue to be the most amazing source of ...well, amazement to me?
the s(ex)y governor, who is apparently now a professional clam digger and fish monger, has made her official soundbyte raison d'ĂȘtre for giving up the governorship. apparently, remaining governor would just be politics as usual. hmmm. now i'm no politico intelligencia, washington insider, wall street fat cat, but something tells me that politics as usual, or politics as unusual might just involve some sort of politics. and correct me if i'm wrong, but being a governor is a pretty good place to start, especially if your life story involves being second runner up at a miss alaska competition, failing out of 3 or 4 colleges, losing a bid for lieutenant governor, and two miserable years as the mayor of wasilla alaska.
now, you've got to be pretty dense (like, even denser than sarah palin) to think that palin isn't doing this as some sort of shenanigan to keep up her face value for a presidential bid, but that she is dense enough to think that adding "quit job as governor. didn't like working in politics" to your resumé is going to help her get the most important political job in the world sets the density bar to unfathomable heights.
but what can you say? the woman is a maverick. a maverick who thinks that even though she ceded the governorship, she is still the queen of alaska. at best, she is now a community organizer. however, if the footage i have seen is correct, she is down at the docks busting crates for the deadliest catch crew, and shiva help us if she starts applying her maverick outsider ideas to that job.
"why do we keep trying to float our boats on top of the water, and catch the fish from above? my administration plans to go to australia, and tunnel through the earth. if my calculations are correct, we will break ground somewhere in the arctic sea. then we sneak attack those joe fish sticks from underneath! hoo-yeah! ya see? those three piece suit bureaucrats are still doing things the old fashioned way, but i'm just a regular ol' ice fishin' hockey mom, and it was those fundamentals, applied in reverse, that're gonna bag my administration the best catch in decades. ya see america? i wasn't building a bridge to nowhere. i was building a bridge to the other end of my reverse fish tunnel."
meanwhile the guys at the dock are spreading the word not to mess with the hooker who's standing on the pallet jack, talking to herself.

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