now that my celebrity death pool is underway, and two of the players have already cashed in on the untimely death of karl malden (yes, ben, it is fair to call it untimely. a timely death would have had that man in the ground decades ago), i feel it's time to start putting the screws to mr kim jong il. while he was picked by a fair few people, thus lowering his total value, i would still like to put up some numbers on the big board, early in the season.
get it straight, i don't want to go to war with korea, and i don't want to see the north koreans have to fight through a long, drawn out, bloody rebellion (though i would love to see them rebel, and rise up on their own). but why can't we send in our pirate assassins, or the guys that pulled saddam out of his foxhole? or what about the guy that assassinated georgi markov with the poison dart umbrella (how badass was that?)? i don't care if we assassinate him right there, or take him to a short trial for crimes against humanity and off him a week later, like we did with hussein. just kill the guy. it would really help me out with my rotisserie league.
so, what say you, united nations? no talking, no exile, no new stuff. taking care of business... now.
...get to the "execution by firing squad" part.

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