apparently you can OD on tylenol...
a new study by an FDA advisory committee showed that apparently you can overdose on the chemicals found in tylenol. even more impressive, the study pointed this out while simultaneously offering the best advertisement for aspirin, ever (not that aspirin needed the sales boost, the world already consumes 40,000 metric tons of the stuff every year. imagine how many of those little pills that is...)

acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol), the main active ingredient in tylenol, excedrin, and other aspirin free pain killers, can cause liver problems, liver failure, and even death.
what does this mean for you? you think you're a big boy and can handle two tylenol? wrong, macho man. the FDA is recommending a reduction of suggested dosages of over the counter pain killers containing acetaminophen. what's more, they are also considering a ban of popular prescription painkillers that contain a mix of acetaminophen and other drugs. the main Rx drugs affected would be vicodin and percocet (so stock up, buddy boy, the zombie pharm is closed), due to the common need to up the dosage in order to get more of the accompanying drugs (hydrocodone, or oxycodone, usually) which can raise the acetaminophen intake to a potentially lethal level.
so all you spaced out suburban soccer moms and trust fund babies out there, you're going to have to start getting your designer drug fix from oxycontin... and later heroin... and then eventually methadone.
as for the rest of you who are concerned by this news: maybe stop taking pills for every little thing.

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