here's a nice short one for you all to enjoy.
remember those "tea parties" that the right wing media orchestrated?
well the tea party goers had a march on washington last weekend, and it was a big one!
or was it?
far right media (is there even any mid range right, or just off to the right media any more?) was claiming a crowd of millions.
wow! millions of people descending on washington. that must have been some big news, that i didn't even hear about until this latest story broke.
the latest story? there may have been about 70,000 people at this march, if that.
the picture they published showing a crowd spilling out of the seams of the national mall was a picture of a march from pre 2004. how do we know this? there is a building standing in the national mall right now that wasn't in the picture. a building that has been there since 2004.
what's really sad about this is that apparently in the entirety of the republican party, there isn't one person who's good enough at photoshop to cut and paste a picture of the national museum of the american indian into a photo that they are distributing internationally as proof positive that they have the numbers to bring down the obama administration.
this says to me that maybe john mccain, who admitted to being too computer illiterate to use his email account, may in fact still be the hippest member of the GOP.
how can we even take these assholes seriously?

the photo in question.
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