the other day when vermont and iowa legalized gay marriage, a friend of mine noted that she was proud of those states and wanted her home state of california to follow suit, so that she could be proud of us as well.
cut to sunday, when yet another person representing california stuck their head up their ass and blurted out whatever asinine anti-gay opinion they found up there (an ironic place to find opinions on gay rights, to be sure).
at this point there is nothing california can do in the way of same sex marriage that could make me proud of how we are behaving on this issue.
in case you missed it, miss california publicly announced on sunday that she shares the same opinion on same sex marriage as the two politicians who most powerfully represent california either directly or indirectly (schwarzenegger, obama) essentially that they want 100% equal rights for the lgbt community, but don't believe that marriage counts as a right, since marriage only includes straight people. isn't it so cute how the queers want to play house like us straight people? thats all i hear when these people talk, anyway.
i can only hope that no one takes this woman seriously, as she grew up in the hooters of political districts (san diego) and is studying special ed at a creationist school. just what we need, someone teaching kids with learning disabilities that the answer to everything is, as long as there are no faggy follow up questions, jesus did it.
on the subject of giving retards a leg up, obnoxious hollywood talking dog, perez hilton (and you thought i was going to say george lopez), is still getting work? perez hilton. a man who thinks that changing your name to perez hilton, starring in a spoof movie called "another gay sequel: gays

gone wild", and judging the televised objectification of women is the most intelligent way to represent a civil rights issue. in that case call me linwood lohan and greenlight my time traveling senior citizen porn script already! i'll promote the hell out of gay rights. but here's a hard hitting question for perez hilton: where the fuck were you when the no on prop 8 movement needed some much needed LA county votes? probably talking about what britney's vagina looks like (smooth and kind of puffy). but, more important than notable world's best ape-in-a-human-costume contest winner perez hilton, was LA county itself. you don't agree with same sex marriage? i don't mean any disrespect by stereotyping here, but where would hollywood be without their hairdressers, fashion consultants, assistants, dog groomers, bloggers, ellen degeneri, and lindsay lohan*?
*lohan reference only valid when being gay was accepted by hollywood/she was pretending to be gay
i guess the old adage i made up not that oldy ago is true, you don't make friends and money at the same time.
meanwhile, back at headquarters, the supreme court says all same sex marriages that occurred during the "window of common sense" (my wording) are legal, but none post prop 8 will be accepted. how does this make sense to anyone?
first of all, just because you work in sacramento, does not mean you are in the business of religious sacraments, so why is the government even concerned with marriage? its a money issue, i get it, everything is a money issue. but if thats all it is, then not legalizing gay marriage is a bad business model, since marriage would bring much needed income to a state that issued i.o.u.s to its taxpaying public earlier this year. i guess i shouldn't be surprised that we can't see the forrest for the trees considering the GOVERNMENT ISSUED I.O.U.S to its taxpayers earlier this year. that plan never seems to work out when i owe the government money, but i guess thats why i'm not a politician, they have the expensive educations needed to work out the particulars of that kind of plan.
secondarily, if its a simple issue of writing legislation based on outdated modes of thought (bigotry) then either same sex marriages are legal, or they aren't. if the marriages issued before prop 8 are legal, then same sex marriage is legal. thats how logic works. my parents don't go driving around totally shitfaced just because they got their drivers licenses before the BAC limit was hard-lined at .08%. so which is it? same sex marriage is legal or it isn't?
one last plea: please tell me no one believes the JCLDS claim that if same sex marriage is legalized, our children will be forced to watch gay people gettin' bizzay on their teachers desks during mandatory gay bootcamp. thats the gist of their claim, anyway. they don't want to fuck on your couch, people, they just want to feel that their love is just as valid as anyone elses. if you truly know what it feels like to love someone, you understand. don't you?
so the verdict is in with this useless bag of internet opinion: due to blatant disregard for common sense, steadfast belief in antiquated notions (aka bigotry), self-entitled "celebrity", failure to stand up for what is right, waffling representation, the fact that we are now officially less progressive than fucking iowa for the love of l ron mahatmuhammed, and a government that apparently makes all the important decisions at church socials, on this issue i am embarrassed to be a californian.
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